Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council
Minutes of the Annual Meeting
October 21, 2001
N3GPM Dave Crise called the meeting to order at 1340 hrs.
The chair asked members present to introduce themselves.
Because there were not enough executive board members present
at the July meeting an
informational meeting was held, notes were taken but they are
for information purposes only.
Those requests brought up at that meeting will be discussed.
No official minutes were recorded.
The treasurer's report was accepted as read on motion by N3BPB/N3MBR.
W3CYO reported on behalf of the SNPR committee. To date he
has received 1 e-mail concerning
SNPR. He requested a copy of the agreement drawn up. N3QCR searched
the records and found a
copy of the original document that needs to be edited. W3CYO
will make the changes necessary
and submit the policy document for vote at the next WPRC meeting.
KR3P submitted a report detailing those items that have been
acted upon. He expressed concern
over the number of frequency applications that are being received
with "any frequency" as the
choice rather than 3 frequencies being selected by the applicant.
Council members present
agreed that these applications are not complete and should be
returned to the applicant
indicating incomplete application.
N3BPB requested information on the progress being made using
the propagation software. It was
determined by consensus that reports should be run for N3BPB and
given to him on CD because his
club's repeaters are all omni-directional antennas.
N3EJY will develop a form for submission of data requested for
propagation reports.
W3CYO asked about link frequency coordinations and it there
were any special requirements.
KR3P gave him the information he needed.
KR3P reported that the coordination database has been converted
to MS Access from MS Excel.
This results in the online database being updated on a regular
basis for the website.
KR3P also reported that new forms have been developed for notification
of Initial and Final
The following persons were nominated for office. Because only
1 person was nominated for each
office, the chair instructed the secretary to cast a unanimous
ballot for each of the 4 offices.
Dave Crise, chair
Denny McElhaney, vice chair
Deb Crise, secretary
Bill Kristoff, treasurer
The next repeater council meeting will be held in Washington,
PA pending confirmation of a
The meeting was adjourned at 1455 on motion by W3CYO/N3WMV.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Housholder, Secretary/Treasurer
Please note that these meeting notes do not become official and
are thus subject to change,
until voted upon at the next WPRC meeting.