20 October 2002

The WPRC meeting was called to order at 13:41 hours. This annual meeting was held at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Butler, PA. The meeting was called to order by WPRC Vice Chairman Denny N3EJY. Introductions were made around the room and visitors were welcomed.

PRESENT: K3YO, KB3ANT, KE3DR, N3MBR, N3ZJM, N3ETV, N3WMV, N2EVA, K3QLZ, WB3IVX, N3OJU, WB3ELN, KA3HUK, N3FLR, KC3ET, N3PYJ, N3APP, N3TNA; WPRC Board Members Vice Chairman Denny N3EJY, Treasurer Bill N3BPB, Frequency Coordinator Joe KR3P, and Secretary Deb NV3B.

Minutes of the July meeting were read, with two corrections being noted. It was requested the 9 bad addresses mentioned in the Coordination Report be listed. They are as follows: N3LIF, KA3YBT, K3PS, KA3EX, W3WGX, N3HAW, KA3SXQ, KA3UEX, and W3UJT. The second correction is located in paragraph 1 under New Business - both K3PS and KA3YVT were sent letters via certified mail, but were returned unopened. Motion by N3WMV to accept with corrections, seconded by KE3DR. Motion carried.

The Treasurer's Report was given. Motion to accept by N3WMV, seconded by N3FLR. Motion carried. It was mentioned an annual report needs completed for the next newsletter.

A report was given by Technical Standards Committee regarding the technical minimal standards. The standards were passed around the room for review. The standards will be published on the website and reviewed at the next meeting. They will also be put in the newsletter.

Coordination Report was given by KR3P. The response to the information confirmation has been good. There are a few items where the original Trustee has not responded but the current trustee has responded. Three items were noted where a new Trustee is claiming the coordination. A question was raised concerning K3KDK's name being taken off the Juniata Repeater. It was noted the callsign and trustee have been changed on 146.910 K3DNA repeater. The procedure for changing Trustees when the current trustee is still around was explained. Additionally it was noted three surveys came back incomplete and those people will be notified.

The next steps in coordination confirmation will be:
1) For those who returned the forms with no changes, this is the end of the process.
2) Those with corrections on forms will get revised forms for reconfirmation. This should be accomplished within the next 30 days.
3) There are a few coordinations with major changes (requires re-coordination, waivers, etc.). KR3P is waiting for work from an adjacent repeater trustee.
4) A letter will be sent to those who did not respond to the query, and they will be advised if there is no response by a particular date, the repeater will be considered abandoned,
5) A few coordinations were returned noting the trustee was a silent key. The new trustee was located but paperwork not returned to KR3P. He will try to verify legitimacy of the claim and get the form processed.

N3EJY read an e-mail sent from Cambria County EMA concerning the KB3BLF repeater. They acknowledged receipt of coordination information and mentioned they are trying to determine who owns it since the coordination holder for most systems bearing callsign KB3BLF is no longer involved with that group . A brief discussion was held concerning clubs being assigned as trustees so the trustee stays the same regardless who owns the repeater.

Slanderous conversations on repeaters were discussed. It as noted FCC Special Counsel for Amateur Radio Enforcement Riley Hollingsworth should be contacted. Coordination policies are published on the website and the standards are used. This is not an issue for the WPRC.

N2EVA bought 146.655 repeater in Dayton, New York and has applied for coordination since he moved to Pennsylvania. However, KE3DR already has that frequency, but should not interfere with N2EVA. Radio interference and what constitutes it was discussed.


KE3DR asked about 146.665 repeater interfering with his repeater 146.655, when he keys his from Indiana. KR3P does not have a coordination or information on 146.665. However, there is a coordination on 146.670. KR3P suggested KE3DR check that frequency as it could be slightly off frequency.

N3FLR asked how long a coordination can be held on a remote receiver before it is put on the air. KR3P suggested he request an extension on the coordination if the receiver won't be on the air in a reasonable time.

There was no comment on the technical standards that were passed around. These will be discussed at the next meeting.

N3BPB declined nomination for reelection for Treasurer. N3MBR, KE3CT, and N3FLR were all nominated but declined. N3WMV accepted the nomination. KC3ET moved to close the nominations for Treasurer.

NV3B declined re-election for Secretary. N3WMV declined also. The position was left open and will be published in the next newsletter.

N3EJY accepted re-election for Vice Chairman. N3BPP moved to close the nominations for Vice Chairman.

N3GPM, although not in attendance, had notified N3EJY he would accept re-election for Chairman. N3BPP moved to closed nominations for Chairman.

KC3ET moved to close nominations. The ballot was cast for positions and was uncontested.

The next meeting will be in the Washington, PA area. In April, it will be North (Jefferson, Clarion, Mercer, Venango), in July it will be in the Altoona area, and in October possibly Delmont. N3BPB suggested getting some visibility at hamfests by holding meetings after main prize drawings. There is some problem with this as it doesn't fall on the appropriate dates (3rd Sunday). It was also suggested holding a special meeting at a hamfest for exposure.

IRLP Link, Echo-Link nodes are on simplex links. Has any attempt to be made to coordinate? These are linked to other nodes, but may also be on a remote base. If the nodes are on 2-meters, there are some legal implications. Apparently they are showing up on ham simplex frequencies and are connected over Internet. If FCC comes out with information, it will be passed along.

N3BPB motion the motion to adjourn, seconded by N3MBR. Meeting adjourned 15:24 PM.


Debra Crise