Western Pennsylvania Repeater
Meeting Minutes
October 17, 2004
The meeting was called to order at 13:35 hours by chair Dave,
N3GPM at the Mercer County 911
Center. Introductions were made around the room. Present at the
meeting were N3BPB, K3LA, KB3EMH,
KR3P, N3EJY and N2EVA.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and correction was
made as to mailing list. Only dues
paying members will get newsletter except for the annual meeting
notification when all repeater
trustees shall be sent one. Motion to approve minutes by N3XAR
and seconded by N3MBR.
Motion carried.
Treasurer Report Give;
N3WMV Paul reported $3104.44 balance carried over with deduction
for postage, website and mailbox
rental of $363.40 for new balance of $2741.04. Motion made by
WB3BFC to accept and seconded by
KF4RMA. Motion carried.
Committee Reports:
There wee 12 items acted upon (08 new) 05 final coord; (03-WPA/02
Other) 02 Initial Coord;
04 proposed coord; 02 voided (00 out of state) 01 OTA received;
00 Items on hold.
There were 61 items acted on total (47 new) 31 final coord. (08
WPA/23 other) 07 Initial coord.
09 proposed coord. 03 Voided (00 out of state) 03 OTA Received
09 items on hold (4 from other
coordinators). To date 353 of 389 Survey reports have been returned=91%
Rate. Of 36 left, 26 are
repeaters from 24 trustees. All items received have been acted
upon. 38 repeaters have been
coorinated YTD.
Old Business:
New web site address=wprc.us Cost of new service came in under budget.
New Business:
N3GPM, Dave, read an article as to SERA passing resolution
that all repeaters had to be PLd as
of July 06. This was later cancelled. After lengthy discussion
with members in attendance who
are having problems with co-channeling and etc, we highly recommend
PL be installed.
The election for Vice Chairman was between nominees Phil Heck
KE3EI and Denny McElhany N3EJY.
The winner by one (1) vote was Phil KE3EI. For the Secretary position
N2EVA was railroaded by
Joe, KR3P to be unopposed.
The dues were to be retained at the annual fee of $10.00 per
year by motion of those present.
Motion made my N3MBR and seconded by N3TNA.
Meeting adjourned at 14:55.
Respectfully submitted:
Ron Cyphert N2EVA
Please note that these notes are subject to review by WPRC members
until voted
upon at the next WPRC meeting.