Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council Minutes
October 16, 2005
911 Center
Brookville, PA

The October 16, 2005 meeting was held at the 911 Center in Brookville. There were 15 members
present. Those in attendance were N3GPM, N3TNA, N3HZV, N3JGT, N3NWL, W3YZR, K3EKE, KB2ZXM,

Meeting was called to order by N3GPM at 1:30 PM. Introductions and greetings made around the
room. N2EVA read the minutes from the July meeting. Correction by KR3P on the $50.00 allowance
auth. for postage. So noted. Motion by N3HZV to accept and 2nd by N3NWL. Motion carried.

Treasurers Report made by N3GPM due to the absence of N3WMV. Income dues and donations $100.00.
Disbursements $87.00. Balance to date $2680.46. Motion to approve by N3TNA and 2nd by W3YZR.
Motion carried.

Coordinators Report by KR3P: 22 items, 15 final coords, 2 initial coords, 1 void, and 4 OTA.

Old Business: None

New Business: 4 Items
224.900 Former trustee W3MMY is SK. Motion to transfer to KB3CNS by N2EVA, 2nd by K3EKE. Passed.
443.600 KA3GIR former KA3TRT, decoord. KR3P to send letter.
145.330 Transfer from N3MSX to KB3KDH. Motion by N3TNA and seconded by K3BPB. Passed.
147.300 WB3KZS trustee. KB3HUK wants to take due to lack of maint, and being off air most of time.
KR3P to send letter to WB3KZS as to intentions. Motion to reject KB3HUK req. by N3EJY,
2nd by N3NWL. Req denied.

N2EVA not happy with poor attendance at meetings. Approx 90 dues paying members and only 10 to
20 including officers attend. After discus. Motion by KR3P to hold meetings as discussed and 2nd
by N3NWL. Passed. The following is the 2006 meeting dates and locations as of this time:

Jan. 15th 2006 1:30 PM Mercer 911 Center April 16th 2006 1:30 PM Washington 911 Center
July 16 2006 1:30 PM Altoona Oct. 15th 2006 1:30 PM Clarion or Brookville.

Election Of Officers:
Dave N3GPM nominated for Chairman by N3TNA. Unopposed. Motion to close N3TNA, 2nd N3BPB.
Denny N3EJY nominated by N3TNA for Treasurer. Unopposed. Motion to close N3TNA, 2nd N3BPB.
Dave Crise N3GPM keeps Chairmanship, and Denny N3EJY is Treasurer.

Denny N3EJY asked the members present as to idea of investing some of our surplus funds. Bill
N3BPB made motion to have Exec. Comm. decide on investing. 2nd by N3EJY. Passed.

Motion to adjourn Denny N3EJY, 2nd by Martha W3YZR.

Refersements server after meeting by N3GPM, N3TNA, and N2EVA.

Submitted for approval by Ron N2EVA Secretary.

Please note that these meeting notes are subject to editing and approval at the next
regular WPRC meeting.