Subject: Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council
Minutes of the Annual Meeting
October 15, 2000
Officers Prersent: N3EJY, N3GPM, KR3P, N3QCR
Regular Members Present: N3MBR, W3CYO, N3WMV, N3XAR, K3KEM
N3EJY called the meeting to order at 1:45 PM.
N3QCR read the minutes of the July meeting. On motion by W3CYO/N3WMV the minutes were approved.
N3QCR reported that the balance in the checking account is
$1468.54 and that there are 79 regular
members and 11 associate members. W3CYO/N3MBR moved to accept
the treasurer's report. The
motion carried.
N3QCR presented a proposed budget of $1,100 for next fincal
year November 1, 2000 - October 31,2001.
On motion by W3CYO/K3KEM the budget was approved.
N3QCR reported 2 items, one application for coordination and one ON AIR NOTICE.
KR3P reported that 65 items have been acted upon thus far in 2000.
7 Final Coordinations, 7 Initial Coordinations, 8 Proposed
Coordinations, 30 Recoordinations
(7 WPA/23 Other), 9 Voided (Out of state), 9 On Hold (1 New),
1 OTA received, 0 Miscellaneous
(inquiries, surveys, etc.)
Joe also reported that an updated directory for the website
will be e-mailed to KC3ET for
publications after todays meeting.
KR3P reported that there has been an election for 3 positions
on the board of directors. Two
incumbent directors were re-elected and Dave Dond has been elected
for the first time.
W3CYO reported that there is much information to be had on
6M spacing. Much is to be said about
a regional band plan. KR3P reported that one request for coordination
is on held pending a
decision about spacing. N3EJY recommended that WPRC issue initial
coordination, encouraging
500 KC split with the understading that WPRC is in the process
of changing the band plan for
6 Meters and that the initial coordination may need to be changed
down the road.
N3GPM requested information on the format of propagation studies.
KR3P explained that the
problems arise from printing the reports because of detail. CD
rom is a possibility. It was
determined by consensus that for those members who have requested
and paid for studies the
information be given to them on CD rom.
KR3P asked for opinion from the members on Shared Non-Protected
Repeaters (SNPR). These are
frequencies set aside for low power low profile repeaters that
are put up with a coordinated
PL mandatory. N3EJY requested that KR3P, W3CYO, and N3WMV bring
rules and regulations for this
new type of coordination to the January meeting for WPRC approval.
It was suggested that such
rules and regulations include ERP limitations. W3CYO/K3KEM moved
to reserve 223.800, 442.000,
920.000 and 1283.000 as SNPR frequencies and that these frequencies
be listed in the repeater
N3EJY nominated N3QCR to serve as secretary/treasurer.
N3EJY nominated N3GPM to serve as chairman.
There being no further nominations for these two officers,
the chair instructed the secretary
to cast a unanimous ballot for these positions.
N3EJY nominated N3WMV to serve as vice chairman. W3CYO nominated
N3EJY to serve as vice
chairman. Ballots were distributed and counted. N3EJY was elected
as vice chairman.
The next meeting of WPRC will be held on January 21, 2001.
The president will attempt to
secure a location in the eastern part of WPRC territory with the
back-up location in S. Strabane
There being no further business the meeting was adjorned at 3:15 PM on motion by W3CYO/N3WMV.
Respectfully submitted.
Mary A. Housholder, Secretary/Treasurer
These meeting notes do not become official until acted upon at
the next meeting of WPRC.