Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting
of the Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council
July 20, 1997
Homer City, Pennsylvania

The quarterly meeting of WPRC was held at the Red Barn Sportsmen's
Club, Route 119 south of Homer City, Pennsylvania on July 20, 1997.
Denny (N3EJY) called the meeting to order at 1:39 p.m.

Minutes of the April 20th meeting were read and approved by consensus.

N3EJY requested introduction of those members present.



The treasurer's report was given by Chuck (KC3ET), showing a balance
of $1,541.15 in the treasury. Chuck also reported that WPRC has 83
regular memberships, 10 associate memberships, and 108 repeaters
represented. The treasurer's report was approved on motion by K3LL/W3SII.

Committee Reports


Joe (KR3P) WPRC Coordinator indicated that since the last meeting there
have been 48 coordination items received: One (1) on hold, fourteen (14)
out of state, and thirty-three (33) in state. Thirty (30) of these items
were requests for re-coordination.

KR3P again went over the list of systems which are in danger of being
de-coordinated as they appeared in the minutes of April 20 and as
listed in the newsletter.

Other items pending were discussed under Old and New Business.

Old Business

N3EJY brought up the change to be made in the constitution.

Aricle XIII c. States:

"All changes must be made in writing and mailed to all members and
non-members before the constitution can be changed. First mailing
to be read at first meeting, second mailing, read at second meeting
and then voted upon."

It was moved by K3LL/WA3HDK that the words "and non-members" be removed.
The motion carried.

N3EJY then named a task force to review the constitution and bylaws and
to bring suggestions for clarification to the board of directors and
council. WA3HDK, K3LBP, N3QCR, N3ZHV and N3MRU were named to this task.
He suggested that the committee name its own chair and report on its
progress to the next WPRC meeting in October.

N3EJY then turned our discussion to the Bessemer/Pallini interference
complaint. The original complaint and suggestions for resolution given
by WPRC were reviewed. Mr. Pallini was given the floor. After lengthy
discussion, it was agreed by consensus that Mr. Pallini (WB3LUC) will
contact Mr. VanNatten (AA3HD) to resolve the problem and bring this
resolution, in writing, to the next meeting of the WPRC in October.

Standard for ATV coordination as presented by the board of directors
were then discussed. It was moved by K3LL/W3CYO that the following
formula be approved for ATV coordination:
1.5 TIMES THE SQUARE ROOT OF THE HAAT = MILES or 10 miles, whichever is
greater. The motion carried.

The Pato/Laurel Highlands situation was then discussed. N3EJY reviewed
the situation. Lengthy discussion ensued. Mr. Pato (WA3PBD) informed
the WPRC that he has reduced power on his system and has nulled the
antenna on his system toward Acme. K3LL/W3SII moved to table until
the October meeting with the understanding that a resolution between
the parties will be brought to the October meeting. The motion to
table carried.

KR3P informed WPRC that a preliminary frequency is available for Greene
County proposed operation. Surrounding coordinators have been advised
of this proposed new coordination. If no objections are received
within 30 days, initial coordination will be issued.

KR3P commented on the NFCC standards document.

N3EJY announced sites for upcoming meetings: October 19 - Mercer County
911 in Mercer; January 18 - Delmont Firehall, Route 22 & Route 66,
Delmont; April 19 - Jefferson County 911, Brookville.

K3LL/W3SII moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 3:44 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary A. Housholder, N3QCR

These minutes are not official until they are approved by the membership
at a WPRC meeting.

Copyright 1997 W.P.R.C.