Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council Minutes
July 17, 2005
Washington County Emergency Operations Center
Washington, PA

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Crise N3GPM at 1:45 PM.

There were 11 present: N3BPB, KC3ET, W3CYO, N3WMV, N3XAR, N3EJY, KR3P, N3GPM, KE3EI, N3TNA,
and N2EVA.

Minutes of the April 17th 2005 meeting were read, and motion by N3TNA to accept and 2nd by

Treasurer report given by N3WMV. Balance of $2667.46 in account. Motion to accept by W3CYO
and second by N3XAR.


Coordination: Joe KR3P, the Frequency Coordinator, gave his quarterly report. 30 items acted on
since last report, 09 final co-ord (05 WPA / 04-other), 04 initial co-ord, 04 Proposed co-ord,
10 voided, 00 out of state, 01 OTA received and 02 denied. As of 07/17/05 all items have been
acted upon.

Old Business:

The request made by Paul N3WMV at last meeting to amend the constitution, Article IV Officers
Section 3 Eligibility. First sentence becomes (A) (B) The nominee must be a member in good
standing for a year or longer. All members present were in agreement.

New Business:

Postage allowance of $50.00 for FC Joe, to try one last time to get response from trustees who
did not respond to the survey. Motion by Sam W3CYO and 2nd by KC3ET. Motion carried.

Motion to adjorn N3TNA 2nd by W3CYO.
Meeting adjourned at 2:15 PM by Chairman Dave N3GPM.

Note: Jan 2006 meeting at Mercer 911 Center 01/15/06.

Submitted for approval by Ron N2EVA Secretary.

Please note that these meeting notes are subject to editing and approval at the next
regular WPRC meeting.