The July 16th meeting was held at the Altoona Pa. Red Cross
building. Present at the meeting were N3BPB, KB3HPC,
for a total of 15. Greetings and introductions were made around
the roon. The meeting was called to order by Dave
N3GPM at 1:30 PM. Minutes of the April 23rd meeting were read
by Ron N2EVA. Motion to approve by N3TNA and 2nd
by N3EJY.
Treasurers Report by N3EJY:
Beginning balance was $2852.96. Income was $120.00 Disbursements
was $39.00 for postage to N2EVA. Balance as
of July 16, 2006 $2933.96. Motion to approve W3ERF and seconded
by W3SF.
Freq. Co-ord Report by KR3P:
Since last meeting 15 items acted on. 8 Final co-ords (00 WPA
/ 8 Other) 02 OTA, 04Dened and 01 Re-issue. All
items received have been acted upon except 01 to be logged in
and 01 logged in but not received yet. There has been 56
items acted on year to date. Motion to approve N2EVA and 2nd by
New Business:
Dave, N3GPM brought up the need to update our Propagation program
and use it. Phil KE3EI did a study on what was
available and gave us a rundown as to what it would do and be
a big help to the WPRC as to granting co-ordinations.
Cost of the upgrades would be aprox. $1200.00. N2EVA made a motion
to purchase and was seconded by N3TNA.
All council members present voted yet. Motion carried.
The subject of a mirror website to be used if we have a problem
with the main website. Denny and Joe are going to
look into it and report at the next meeting.
Old Business:
Phil, KE3EI brought up the subject of spacing in distance and
freq. Denny, N3EJY checked with Ohio and they think
what is on their website is correct. Ron, N2EVA stated if the
don't know that's their problem and we are going to move
on. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are going to draft a proposal
and present it to the membership at a later date.
Motion to adjourn made at 2:30 PM by Joe KR3P and seconded by Ron N2EVA. Meeting adjourned.
A big thank you to Lois Gotshell for obtaining the meeting
room for us, and last but not leasty was the great Penn State
Ice Cream furnished by the gentlemen from Penn State.
I Submit This For Approval
Please note that all meeting notes are subject to review and editing
at the next available W.P.R.C. meeting.