April 27, 2003
Meeting Minutes
The WPRC meeting was called to order at 13:43 hours by Chairman
Dave N3GPM. The meeting was held
at the Mercer County 911 Center, Mercer, PA. Introductions were
made around the room and
visitors were welcomed.
Minutes of the January Annual Meeting were read, corrections
were noted (callsign corrections
and the note referencing "this is not an issue for the FCC"
should have read "this is not an
issue for WPRC". A motion requested by the chairman was
made by Hugh N3MBR and seconded by
Patty N3XAR to accept the minutes as read. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report was given with a balance of $2,698.70.
A motion by Patty N3XAR and seconded
by Hugh N3MBR to accept the Treasurer's Report was made. Motion
Technical Standards Committee: The Standards were presented.
It was determined after debate
that a revised Standard will be placed on the website as well
as in the next Newsletter and
comments will be accepted with final approval of the Standard
at the July meeting.
Coordination: A Coordination Report was given by Joe KR3P
with 75 items acted upon (46 New),
43 Final Coordinations (1-WPA, 42-Other); 3 Initial Coordinations;
3 Proposed Coordinations;
11 Recoordinations, 2 Voids (0 out of state); 0 On-Air Notices
Received; and 12 Surveys (no
change or minor change). To date the survey reports are 315 out
of 373 equaling an 84.4%
return rate to date. As of April 27, 2003, all items have been
acted upon except bad surveys
and coordination claims.
Old Business: A second vote on bylaw changes was asked for.
A discussion was again held on
changes in officers' terms. After an informative discussion,
a motion was made and seconded to
revise bylaws Article IV, Section I from election of all officers
in one election to electing
Chairman and Treasurer on the odd years and election of Vice Chair
and Secretary on the even
years. Therefore revising Article IV, Section IV, to have the
Board officers' term for a period
of two years. Motion carried. Secretary will revise bylaws and
will be available to all members
. Also Feds will be notified of change.
New Business: A rather lengthy discussion pursued about a
Rogue repeater in the Clarion area
that is providing interference of an expletive nature to possible
non-amateur licensed operators.
WPRC's position on this is that authentic amateur operators contact
the FCC via Riley
Hollingsworth immediately in an effort to eliminate such unprofessional
operation. It is WPRC's
hope that this action will also result in such individuals that
may be licensed and knowingly
operate in such an undignified fashion to be relieved of their
license and operating privileges. WPRC fully backs the coordinated
repeater being interfered with on this problem. Coordination
does work.
A letter for Kevin Berry of Butler was given to W3DMB to hand carry.
Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for July 20, 2003,
at the Red Cross Bldg. in
Altoona, PA. Upon confirmation of meeting site, it will be posted
on the website and in the
Newsletter along with directions.
Motion by Patty N3XAR, seconded by Hugh N3MBR to adjourn the
meeting was made. Motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Dave N3GPM at 15:08 hours.
Respectfully submitted,
Denny N3EJY, Acting Secretary
Please note that these meeting notes do not become official until
acted upon at an upcoming
WPRC meeting. The notes are subject to change.