Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting
of the Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council
April 20, 1997
Brookville, Pennsylvania

The quarterly meeting WPRC was held at the Jefferson County 911 Center, Route 28 north of
Brookville, PA on April 20, 1997. Denny (N3EJY) called the meeting to order at 1:40 pm with
12 regular members present. Minutes of the previous meeting (February 7, 1997) were read and
approved on motion by K3JDU/N3GPM.

N3EJY requested introduction of those members present.



The treasurer's report was given by Chuck (KC3ET), showing a balance of $1,458.17 in the
treasury. Chuck also reported that WPRC has 73 regular memberships, 8 associate memberships,
and 106 repeaters represented. The treasurer's report was approved on motion by

Proxies were received from Fort Venango Mike and Key Club certifying appointment of N3MBR
to represent 145.230/144.630 repeater, and from KC3PO affording K3AFS representation of
447.275/442.275 repeater.



Joe (KR3P), WPRC Coordinator, indicated that since the last meeting there have been 7
coordinations issued and 1 pending. There have also been 4 items received from Western New
York and Canada.

Notices have been sent to trustees of repeaters systems that have information lacking.
Approximately one-half have been returned with the requested information. Three (3) items have
been returned due to incorrect or invalid address. A listing of those items returned will be put in
the next newsletter and a request for any information on these particular systems or persons will
be requested. Those trustees/repeaters are Clinton Turner (KA7OEI) 1284.50, Tyler Chunpa
(KD3WN) 443.400, and Larry Barton (WA3PGL) 146.730.

The following coordinations have been dropped due to inactivity and will be listed in the next

443.425 N3NWC
444.850 KF8YF waivers not received
444.450 N3VUZ application submitted with only one frequency choice. Letter sent requesting
other choices no response received.
444.675, 444.050, 444.025 WB3IWY frequencies applied for are not able to be coordinated.
444.250 N3OQM

Joe also updated WPRC on applications pending:

WB3LUC 145.17 The interference complaints were reviewed. As instructed by the WPRC a
letter was sent to WB3LUC, Crown Communications and PEMA. Correspondence was
received from Crown Communications requesting further information. Another letter was sent
to Crown Communications detailing the situation. It was recommended by KR3P that if we
do not hear or receive any further information from Mr. Pallini, WPRC will consider the
original site and coordination to have been abandoned. This recommendation will be
presented to the WPRC at the July meeting.

KB3BIN - Butler 2 meter

N3HIZ - N3LIF - AA3KC - A letter is being sent in reference to the latest request for
coordination received. KR3P read portions of the letter for information. Currently Greene
County has 3 applications for coordination. KR3P recommended that no further applications
be accepted from Greene County until the files on the current applications are closed. Green
County currently has 3 uncoordinated repeaters on the air causing interference to out of state
coordinated systems. This recommendations will be held for further discussion until the next
BOD meeting.

WB8APD - 52.68 simulcast - Request for information sent to 52.69 KB3UE Erie - If no
response is received by the end of April it will be assumed by WPRC that 52.69 has been
abandoned and the coordination will be dropped. Frequency coordination will be granted to


N3EJY updated WPRC on the Laurel Highlands/Andy Pato ATV discussion. At the 2 Rivers
Hamfest both parties were present (Dallas/Pato). KR3P and N3EJY suggested as per instructions
of WPRC that the parties begin discussion of how this problem may be resolved. Five (5) options
were suggested. One option, suggested by KR3P, was detailed for the members of WPRC and
involves a "time-share" of the frequency. N3EJY reported that the parties involved will resolve
the situation by the time of the July WPRC meeting or the matter will be resolved by WPRC and
the matter will be closed.

KR3P reported that very few responses to his request for information from other coordination
councils concerning ATV standards. Responses have been received from T-MARC, Dallas/Fort
Worth, and Southern California which uses a haat formula. Currently WPRC is trying to
establish a standard for coordination of ATV systems. Indiana has requested coordination and
until a standard is established, frequencies will not be coordinated. Indiana is currently testing and
reporting results to KR3P, this is information is extremely helpful in helping to determine a
standard formula for coordination.


One entry for the WPRC logo contest has been received. The "contest" will be extended until the
next meeting.

Chuck (KC3ET) informed us of WEB page updates. There was discussion of scanning WPRC
coordination documents.

Discussion was held in reference to WPRC constitution. It was determined that the most recent
version in print is the 1993 version. Changes made in 1995 were not updated in print. The most
current version was given to BOD members for review for typos. Any new changes require 2
readings at quarterly WPRC meetings prior to vote.

Article XIII c. states:

"All changes must be made in writing and mailed to all members and non-members before the
constitution can be changed. First mailing to be read at first meeting, second mailing, read at
second meeting and then voted upon."

It was moved by K3JDU/KR3P that the words "and non-members" be removed. The motion

The above discussion is to be considered the first of two readings and the matter will be brought
to WPRC for vote at the July meeting.

Chuck (KC3ET) suggested a process for a yearly update of information from all repeater owners
or trustees. Discussion followed. Subject will be brought up at the next BOD meeting.

KR3P shared the new and improved version of the forms for frequency coordination.

Next meeting scheduled for July 20, 1997 will be held in the Indiana area.

KR3P commended N3QCR for her work as secretary and reminded members of the new e-mail
address: wprc@bfdin.com.

Meeting was adjourned on motion by K3JDU/KA3HUK at 4:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary A. Housholder, N3QCR

These minutes are not official until they are approved by the membership
at a WPRC meeting.

Copyright 1997 W.P.R.C.