Subject: Western Pa Repeater Council April 20, 2008 Meeting Notes-Mercer 911 Center-Mercer, PA
Reprinted from 'W.P.R.C. Quarterly Communications' Newsletter' Volume 2008-Number 2

Minutes: Meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by N3GPM Dave Crise. Greetings and introductions made around

The minutes of the Jan. meeting were read approved with one correction.

Treasurers Report:
Denny N3EJY, the treasurer, reports ending balance Jan. 20, 2008 of $948.23 and balance on April 20, 2008 of
$986.23, plus 12 month Money Market CD (5/08) 1,012.50. Copy of report attached.
Motion to Approve by Barry N3TNA and second by Sam W3CYO.

Frequency Coord Report:
Joe KR3P, our freq Coord gave his report. There were 94 items acted on since Jan. meeting. Copy of his report
is attached. Motion to accept by Paul N3WMV and second by Dave N3GPM.

Old Business: None
New Business: None

Motion to Adjourn by Dave N3GPM and Second by Phil KE3EI at 2:30 PM.

There were 13 members present. Log sheet attached.

Submitted for approval or correction by:
