Subject: W.P.R.C. Meeting Notes For April 18, 2010

The April 18th meeting was held at the Mercer county 911 Center, 205 South Erie Street, Mercer, Pa.

The meeting was called to order at 1330 by Vice Chairman Phil Heck, KE3EI.

There were eleven (11) members present: N3BPB, N3FB, KB3GMU, W3CYO, N3EJY, KR3P,

Minutes of prerious meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting was read by Sec. Barry, N3TNA.
Motion to approve the minutes as corrected was made by Paul, AB3PJ and seconded by Dave N3HZV.

Treasurers Report:
The Treasurers report was give by Denny, N3EJY.
Ending balance as of January was $1,065.14
Income from dues: $465.00
Disbursements: $44.00
12 month money market CD: $1032.75
Balance: $1,486.14
Motion to approve the Treasurers report was made by Sam, W3CYO and seconded by Frank, N3FB.

Frequency Coordinator Report:
Gave report on work done.
19 items acted on, 6 final cooord, 5 initial coord, 1 proposed coord, 6 voided, 1 denied.

Old Business:
Paul, AB3PJ asked about log #2497 on 146.460. Paul to contact them relative to them using a frequency
that could be used for a repeater.

A motion ws made to list ALL coordinated repeater frequencies will listed in the repeater directory.
Motion was made by Bill, N3BPB and second by Paul, AB3PF. This to be added to Policy #19 and
the repeater directory.

Next Meeting:

July to be at State College, Centre Region Council Covts.

Motion to adjourn ws made at 1444 by Dave, N3HZV and Second by Sam, W3CYO.

Please note that these meeting notes are subject to review and change at the next WPRC meeting.