Western Pennsylvania Repeater
April 18, 2004
Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 1:37 PM by Chair Dave N3GPM
at the Washington County
911 Center. Introductions were made around the room. Present at
the meeting were:
KB3CNN, and N3BPB.
The minutes from the last meeting were read with the following
changes: KR3P, Joe McElhaney's
call was corrected. KC3ET made motion to accept and was seconded
by N3XAR. M.C.
Treasurer's report given. There was a call sign correction
on the report. Motion for approval
of the Treasurer's Report made by KC3ET, seconded by N3XAR. Motion
carried. Balance of $3054.44
in the account.
Committee Reports:
Coordination: In Joe KR3P's absence, Dave N3GPM read his comments.
Time lapse in mail system
from PO Box to coordinator and that original documents not copies
or Emails have to be sent to
the coordinator. On the matter of Certified Mail that was sent
to N3PCQ and WB3AZL reference
the 444.425 and 147.345 MHz repeaters respectively. Both of these
notices have gone unanswered
although both receipts were signed for by the respective trustee
within days of sending them.
Recommend that these two repeater coordinations be terminated
and reassigned by vote of the
Denny N3EJY read the coordination report. There were 22 items
acted upon. 19 New, 12 Final
Coordinations 2-WPA 10-Other, (01 Initial Coordination, 03 Proposed
Coordinations, 00
Recoordinations, 00 Voids, 00 Out of State), 00 On-Air Notices
Received; and 00 Surveys
(no change or minor change). To date the Survey Reports are 346
out of 387 equaling an 89.4%
return rate to date. As of April 15, 2004, all items have been
acted upon except items brought
up at meeting. Dave N3GPM made motion to accept report and was
seconded by Denny N3EJY. M.C.
Old Business:
The WB3AZL repeater coordination on 147.345 MHz was terminated
by 100% vote in favor of
pending application by N3WMV, Paul Plants, for coordination on
the same frequency. The N3PCQ
repeater coordination on 444.425 MHz was terminated by 100% vote
in favor of a pending
application by N2EVA, Ron Cyphert for coordination on the same
frequency in the same area.
These actions were taken in response to the previous trustees
failure to respond to the
notices sent to them by Certified Mail.
New Business:
Motion made by KC3ET to adjourn and seconded by W3CYO. M.C.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:50 PM.
by Dave N3GPM.
Respectfully submitted for approval by N2EVA, Ron Cyphert, Secretary.
These meeting notes are subject to review and will be voted upon
at the next
regular meeting of the W.P.R.C.