Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council
April 17, 2011 Meeting Notes
Mercer County

The April 2011 meeting of the WPRC was held at the Mercer County 911 center. The meeting was called
was called to order at 13:30 by Chairman N3EJY.

Those present were: Paul Bidzilya, AB3PJ, Gary Chisolm, WA3NSM, Charles Johnson, N3ETV, Paul Plants, N3WMV,
Sam Mayberry, W3CYO, Charles Gessner, W3ON, Joe McElhaney, KR3P, Dennis McElhaney, N3EJY, Bill Krostoff, N3BPB,
and guests Glen Clark, W3JL, Patty Marshall, N3XAR, and Jim Klinginsmith, N3ZJM.

Meeting minutes from the January meeting at the Washington County meeting were read. Motion by N3BPB, second by W3CYO to accept as read.  Motion carried on voice vote.

Treasurers Report:
W3ON reported he received the check from N3EJY to close out the old checking account. Citizens Bank needs our EIN
number and information in regards to our 501c(3) status to open a new account. Motion by W3CYO, second by N3BPB, to
accept report as read.
Motion carried on voice vote. Copy Attached.

Frequency Coordinators Report:
KR3P reported year to date 41 items acted on, 15 finals. Website information is up to date. Copy of
coordination report attached. KR3P also reported he still has not received the propagation software
from the previous vice chairman.

Membership committee: N3BPB reported his letter asking for more support of the WPRC and its purpose
was mailed out last week.

Old Business:
KR3P reported he has not received any communication from KE3ED in regards to Beaver Valley ARA.


Constitution change to sections 6, subsection C, and section 8, subsection A. Motion by W3CYO, second
by N3ETV, to remove both sections from the constitution. Motion carried on a voice vote.

N3EJY ask all to please help the WPRC record keeping, by keeping your license up to date.

Donald Speck WB3CJB, 146.70, silent key. KR3P will look into status of back up trustee with the Huntingdon
Amateur radio club.

KR3P reported that KA3RFA is also a silent key. His 2 meter coordination has no back-up trustee listed.
W3EJS is the back-up trustee on the 443.075, 443.825, and 443.625 repeaters. KR3P is seeking forced
transfer to W3EJS on these. (Duplicate)

W3ON asked for the WPRC to send donation for web space hosting. Motion by N3BPB, second by W3NSM
to send $50.00 donation for web space.
Motion carried on voice vote.

KR3P received letter, and discussion followed with guests and members, of the proposed move of the 146.865
machine from Hubbard Ohio, to Mercer County PA. As this would follow short spacing requirements, waivers
and approvals would be needed to complete the move.

N3BPB asked that clubs keep their trustee, and back-up trustee up to date. N3EJY noted that we cannot force
a club to assume the responsibility of a repeater, or repeaters in the event of primary trustee death.

Next meeting of the WPRC will be held at the Somerset Hamfest, at 1:30PM. Entry will be allowed for those
desiring to attend the meeting at no charge.

Motion by W3CYO, second by N3WMV, to adjourn. Motion carried on voice vote.

Note that these notes are unofficial and are subject to review.  They do not become official until voted on at the
next WPRC meeting.


Treasurers Report:
Ending Balance (October 17, 2010:         $ 1752.14
Total Receipts:                                      $   345.00
Sub-Total:                                             $ 2097.14
Check 352 Phil Heck                              $19.70
Check 351 UPS for Mail Box Rent                       $204.00
Check 354 Co-ordination Postage                        $ 44.00
Service Charges                                     $14.00
Total Disbursements:                             $281.70
Closing Balance: (April 17, 2011)             $1815.44
12 Month CD                                         $1048.24
Totals Checking & CD                            $2863.68

Members on Roster: 167
Paid Members (Regular): 17
Paid Members (Associate): 1 (new app log 2625 Gary Hummell K3YEX)
Not Paid: 149

Repeaters on Roster: 297
Repeaters represented: 25
Repeaters not represented: 272