Subject: W.P.R.C. Meeting Notes
Date: April 17, 2005
Location: OES/911 Center-Clarion, PA
There were 13 present at the meeting. N3GPM, N3TNA, N3HZV,
The meeting was called to order at 1:45pm by chairman N3GPM.
N2EVA read the minutes from the last meeting. Minutes were moved
to be accepted by N3TNA and
seconded by N3WMV.
Treasurers report givenby N3WMV. Balance as of 04/17/05 $2644.46.
Motion by N2EVA to accept and
2nd by N3EJY.
Quarterly Report by KR3P. 2005 YTD-43 items acted upon-24 final
co-ord (05-PA/19 others),
03 initial coord-4 proposed coord-10 voided-03 denied. All items
received have been acted upon
except for survey items to be brought up. Motion to approve N2EVA
and 2nd by N3TNA.
Old Business:
The co-ordinations of trustees that failed to respond to the survey
were revoked and are subject
to be reassigned to clmt. Trustees, new trustee's that have coord
request on file or be put into
the pool. Vote was taken and all voting members present agreed
to this action.
New Business:
Request of Amendment of Constitution made by Paul N3WMV.
'Article IV Officers'
'Section 3 Eligibility'
'First sentence becomes (A)'
'(B) The nominee must be a member in good standing for a year
or longer.'
All members present were in agreement.
Motion made to adjorn by N3TNA, 2nd by N3HZV. Meeting adjorned at 2:45pm by N3GPM chairman.
We wish to thank Clarion County Comm., Dave Cyphert N3HZV for
refreshments served after the
Ron Cyphert N2EVA
Please note that these meeting notes are subject to editing and
approval at the next
regular WPRC meeting.