Subject: Western Pa Repeater Council Meeting Notes - April 15, 2007

The April 15th, 07 meeting was held in the Mercer 911 Center in Mercer PA.
The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by Chairman David Crise N3GPM.
There were twelve (12) members present who were N3ETV, N3ZJM, N3TNA, N3HZV,
N3BPB, KR3P, N3EJY, N3GPM, N23VA, KE3EI, N3FB and KB3GMU. Greetings and introductions
were made around the room.

The minutes of the Jan. 21st meeting were read by the secretary N2EVA. Two corrections
were made and motion made by N3HZV to approve and second by N3TNA.

Treasurer's Report:
N3EJY, Denny gave the following report
Ending balance as of Jan. 21st 2007 was $985.21. Income from dues and donations $210.00
Disbursements: Check #533 to Ron Cyphert, print cartridge $25.11. Check #534 to Ron
Cyphert paper and postage $92.00. Check $535 Joe McElhaney, Coord. Expenses $100.00.
Total disbursements $217.11. Balance as of April 15th, 2007 is $9768,10 and 6 Month
Market CD (5/07) $1,000.00. Motion to approve by N2EVA and second by N3TNA.

Quarterly Coordination Report:
KR3P, Joe, made the following Freq. Coord. Report,
41 Final Coord (12 WPA/29 Other), 25 Voided (9 out of section), 1 OTA Received, 3 Denied
(2 out of section). As of 4/15/2007 all items received have been acted upon.
Motion to approve by N3GPM and second by N3EJY.

Old Business: None

New Business:
N2EVA (Ron) brought up idea to let all members of dues paying clubs or organizations
to be put on newsletter mailing list. Members present thought it was a good idea and set fee
at $4.00 per year. Money to be collected by club officer and check with list of members
Call, Name and Address attached. Motion by N3GPM to approve and second by KE3EI. All members
present gave verbal yes vote.

Motion to adjourn by N3TNA and seconded by N3HZV.
Meeting adjourned at 14:30 by Chairman N3GPM (Dave)

Submitted by N2EVA Secretary for corrections or approval.

Please note that these notes are subject to review at the next scheduled W.P.R.C. meeting.