21 April 2002
The meeting was called to order at 1340 hours by N3GPM, at
the Mercer County 911
Center, Mercer PA. Introductions were made around the room.
A membership application for
Butler County ARA, W3UDX, 147.360 was reviewed and approved.
The minutes from the last meeting were read with the following
add 3 on N3WMV's call in the list of those present. Motion to
approve made by KA3ZLR,
seconded by W3CYO. Motion carried.
Treasurer's report given. Motion for approval of the Treasurer's
Report made by N3WMV,
seconded by N3MBR. Motion carried.
KR3P gave a Coordination Report. Since the last meeting,
there have been 20 final
coordinations, 1 initial coordination, 1 proposed coordination,
8 re-coordinations, 1 voided
coordination, 6 on hold, and 1 On The Air notice received.
KR3P has coordination forms ready for distribution. Those
here today can take their
information with them. The rest will be mailed. It was suggested
getting an embossing seal
for the coordination forms. Secretary to look at pricing for
stamps - one for coordination,
one for WPRC.
SHARED NON-PROTECTED REPEATER - It was noted this information
is posted on the WPRC
website. No 2-meter pair is available. After a discussion on
documentation requirements,
N3BPB made the motion to vote on the SNPR policy now and make
any necessary amendments before
the end of the meeting today. KA3ZLR seconded. N3EJY read the
policy. KR3P questioned
coverage study statement included in the information. The SNPR
policy for West Washington
State was read. It was noted Colorado's is almost identical.
Motion carried.
PROPAGATION REQUEST FORM is done and will be in the next newsletter.
information to be included on form. N3WMV requested some additional
information be added to
obtain all the necessary information for the study. N3EJY to
modify the form and send the
Secretary a new copy.
TECHNICAL STANDARDS - KR3P had no information to report to date on setting the standards.
Question raised whether to get all repeaters in PA on PL tones.
KE3DR is having
problems with a repeater 15kc away from the repeater he is using.
It was noted that some
people use old equipment that can't transmit PL tones. WPRC
suggests repeater owners use PL
tones on Receive but has not made it mandatory. The confirmation
of information on
coordinated repeaters may help solve some of the problems being
noted on repeaters. The
Technical Standards may help as well.
It was noted we previously had a Technical Committee to set
up guidelines for repeaters,
etc. N3GPM asked N3APP to be on committee. N3EJY was also appointed
to the committee. They
will work on the technical standards.
KF4RMA noted Butler ARA may have to move the repeater from
its present location. The
move may be to Saxonburg. KF4RMA asked how to proceed with preliminary
coordination, to be
prepared in case it happens. KR3P suggested completing paperwork
and sending in with
note "preliminary" coordination". They may use
the Saxonburg site as a voting site until decision
is made whether they have to leave the present site. N3EJY suggested
requesting propagation
studies on both sites.
A discussion on K3PS (Silinsky) repeater followed. He is
not around and two other hams
have taken over the repeater. Suggestion made to have the paperwork
submitted to coordinate.
Since K3PS no longer available, that repeater may be uncoordinated
and their paperwork could be
used to recoordinate the repeater. K3PS repeater system is now
N3HAO. K3PS has been off air
6 months. KE3DR will submit paperwork to coordinate that frequency.
N3APP Lee Williams reported:
Trustee silent key, repeater off air - 147. 375 WB2GZM - Silent
key. Left repeater to KA3MJM.
WA3KMT - 444.675 Off air 3 or 4 years.
VE3OHR - 147.27 is interfering with his repeater. Send e-mail
to KR3P to check.
KR3P noted the coordination form requests a Backup Trustee,
which helps in situations
such as those discussed today.
FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNCIL - No additional information.
N3BPB suggested everyone
bring two more people to the next meeting.
N3BPB to check for Johnstown/Ebensburg area for the next meeting.
N3EJY motion to adjourn. KF4RMA seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 1510 hours.
Debra Crise