Subject: WPRC January 21, 2007 Meeting Notes
The Jan. 21st meeting was held at the Butler OES Center. Those
attending were KA3HUK, N3JYG, N3SDO, N3FB,
N3EJY, and KR3P for a total of 17. The meeting was called to order
by Chairman Dave Crise N3GPM. Introductions
and greetings were made around the room. (Time 13:32).
Secretary Ron N2EVA read the minutes from the Oct. meeting. Motion to accept N3TNA and second by KA3HUK.
Treasurer's Report by Denny N3EJY
Ending balance Oct. 15th 2006 $2,876.96. Income Dues and donations
$370.00. Disbursements Check# $530 $56.75
to N2EVA (Postage and printer cartridge) - Check#532 1205.00 to
Radio Soft Prop. Software - 6month Money Market CD
(5/07) $1000.00. Total Disbursements $2261.75. Balance 01/21/2007
$985.21. Motion to accept W3ZEX and second
by N3JXT.
Freq. Co-ord Report by Joe KR3P
Since last MTG: 115 Items acted on, 46 Final Co-ord (04-WPA) /
42-Other)-43 Voided (39 Out of State)-14 OTA
received-16 Denied (13 out of state). As of 1/21/07 all items
received have been acted on. In 2006 there were 75
repeaters Co-ordinated (10-WPA) - 4 voided - 12 OTA - 10 denied.
Old Business:
Dave N3GPM, brought up the change to the Const. as to mailing
that we voted on last meeting. All WPRC Co-ordinated
and pending Co-ord repeaters as listed in the official WPRC log
shall be notified by mail of Annual Meetings. Motion to
accept by N2EVA and seconded by N3BPB. The new software has arrived
and Joe KR3P and Phil KE3EI are
installing and testing same.
New Business:
W3ZEH and KB3JQZ brought paperwork as to the WA3TVG repeater trustee
and mailing address. Had discussion with
them and changes will be made if all in order. Auth. to Freq Co-Ord
Joe KR3P to send out twelve (12) certified notices to survey non-responders.
Motion made at 15:03 by Chairman David Crise N3GPM to adjourn. N3TNA and W3ZEH seconded.
Meeting Adjourned
I submit this report for corrections or approval
Ron Cyphers N2EVA
Please note that all meeting notes are subject to review and editing
at the
next available W.P.R.C. meeting.