January 19, 2003



The WPRC meeting was called to order at 13:45 hours by Chairman Dave N3GPM. The meeting was held at Pancake
Hill Fire Hall, Washington, PA. Introductions were made around the room and visitors were welcomed.


Minutes of the October Annual Meeting were read, corrections were noted (callsign corrections and the note
referencing "this is not an issue for the FCC" should have read "this is not an issue for WPRC), and a
motion requested by the chairman was made by KC3ET and seconded by N3RNX to accept the minutes as read and
corrected. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report was given with a balance of $2,518.70. A motion by N3CYO and seconded by N3LIF to accept
the Treasurer's Report was made. Motion carried.


Technical Standards Committee:
A wide discussion was engaged on the Technical Standards as presented. It was determined after debate that
a revised Standard will be placed on the website as well as in the next Newsletter and comments will be
accepted with final approval of the Standard at the April meeting.

A Coordination Report was given by Joe KR3P with 133 acted upon, 10 New, 9 Final Coordinations
(1-WPA, 8-Other); 4 Initial Coordinations; 3 Proposed Coordinations; 14 Re-coordinations, 0 Voids); 6 On Hold
(3 new); 0 On-Air Notices Received; and 107 Surveys. To date the survey reports are 305 out of 369 equaling
an 83% return rate to date. As of January 19, 2003, all items have been acted upon except one.

KR3P included three items to be noted in the Minutes of Trustees on systems being claimed by other
individuals claiming Trusteeship. They are as follows: K3TT on 444.000 being claimed by K3CFY; 146.76
being claimed by K3CM; W3PGH 145.33 being claimed by N3MSX. The secretary so noted these discrepancies.

Old Business:
No additional information has been received on the question from N3FLR on the extension of remote receiver
coordination question. This item has been tabled until additional information has been received.

New Business:
Roy N3LIF indicated that the minutes read today included his callsign as being one of the nine bad addresses
mentioned. Joe KR3P pulled his return letter from the file and it was determined that by a 911 address
change being the reason the letter was undeliverable. Roy N3LIF being present at the meeting was given the
information and completed the survey turning it back in for WPRC logging. The Board assigned a log number
and this item is now completed.

A discussion began on the feasibility of revising the bylaws as they relate to the annual elections of
officers. Present structure calls for election of officers every fourth meeting. As each officer takes over
their duties, there is a time period involved until the newly elected officers get up to speed, only to have
another election of officers soon after, thus repeating the cycle and losing productivity as an organization.

After an informative discussion, a motion was made by Sam W3CYO and seconded by Ed K3EDD to revise bylaws
Article IV, Section I from election of all officers in one election to electing Chairman and Treasurer on
the odd years and election of Vice Chair and Secretary on the even years. Therefore revising Article IV,
Section IV, to have the Board officers' term for a period of two years. Motion carried.

This motion needs to be read at two meetings and will again be brought up for a vote at the April meeting.

Webpage: Chuck KC3ET commented on the problems of posting the Frequency Directory on the website. KR3P and
KC3ET will work on the changes needed to the site to correct the data. Chuck additionally commented on the
QSL email not working. Chuck has been attempting to contact K3TKJ on what the problem may be, but he has
not yet responded to Chuck's three queries. A motion by N3BPB and seconded by KC3ET to send a $25.00
donation to QSL.net (K3TKJ) for services. Motion carried. A motion by Joe KR3P and seconded by Sam W3CYO
to hold the check to QSL until an address is confirmed by K3TKJ. Chuck KC3ET will again send a query to
K3TKJ informing him of a monetary contribution awaiting his response and reiterating our problem with


Next Meeting: The April meeting will be held on the 4th Sunday due to Easter falling on the 3rd Sunday and
is tentatively scheduled for the Mercer County 911 Center in Mercer, PA. Upon confirmation of meeting site,
it will be posted on the website and in the Newsletter along with directions.

Motion by N3CYO, seconded by K3EDD to adjourn the meeting was made. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned
by Chairman Dave N3GPM at 15:25 hours.

Respectfully submitted,


Denny N3EJY, Acting Secretary

Please note that these meeting notes do not become official, as they are subject to revision, until voted
upon at a W.P.R.C. meeting.