January 18, 1998
Uniontown, Pennsylvania

The winter meeting of WPRC was held at the Uniontown Amateur Radio Club ClubHouse located
on Old Pittsburgh Road in Uniontown on January 18, 1998.

Denny (N3EJY) called the meeting to order at 1334 hrs.

1) The minutes of the Annual Meeting (October 19, 1997) were read. The following
corrections were made:

"W3XX - 3 links - 900 MHZ PGH/N Hills;"

"This item was on hold, which expired on July 1, 1997, though the Cleveland
group is still working with N3FKE on a solution that would be mutually

"KR3P reported that 146.43/147.43 PL131.8 Greene County is on the air."

"N3EJY announced a change in the meeting sites: January 18 - to be held in Fayette

"KF8YF interference problem was discussed and report received by WPRC."

The minutes as corrected were approved by consensus as corrected.

2) N3EJY requested introduction of those members present.





3) The treasurer's report was given by Chuck (KC3ET), showing a balance of $1,538.70 in
the treasury. Chuck also reported that WPRC membership in 1998 is 13 regular
memberships, 9 associate memberships, and 22 repeaters represented. The treasurer's
report was approved on motion by N3BPB/N3MBR.

a) Joe (KR3P) WPRC Frequency Coordinator indicated that since the last meeting
there have been 21 coordination items received: 8 in western Pennsylvania, and 12
out of western Pennsylvania with 1 application pending. KR3P reported that all
coordination items received have been acted upon to date.

b) KR3P presented 7 items to the secretary to be mailed:

98-001, WA3PTV, Joseph E. Lockbaum, response to #843;

98-002, KE3UC, Daniel J. Ruhe, initial frequency coordination 443.575

98-003, KE3JP, Michael Mowery, initial frequency coordination 146.430

98-004, KE3JP, Michael Mowery, initial frequency coordination 442.60

98-005, KE3DR, Paul Fleming, final frequency coordination 52.90

98-006, KA3JSD, David Rath, final frequency coordination 442.875

98-007, KA3JSD, David Rath, final frequency coordination (control

c) KR3P is also looking at a standard waiver form for WPRC.

d) N3GPM presented KC3ET with scanned versions of the coordination forms for the
Web page.

e) KR3P reported that N3LIF, Greene County, 146.43/147.43 has been issued final

f) WB3LUC has been issued initial coordination and should be issued final
coordination in approximately 1 month.

g) The 147.075 and the 146.46 interference complaints are still being investigated.

h) There has been some response from the North Hills group on the action to de-
coordinate the 3 links, and there has also been a response about State College.

i) N3BPB will check on the progress of the paperwork for 900 MHz WA3YOA link
coordination as well as 3 900 MHz link frequencies for W3EXW (NHARC). KR3P
stated that the frequencies will be held for 6 months.


KR3P reported that 4 motions have been presented: A motion to change the requirements
on votes needed to pass from 75% of total members to 66% of total votes cast, failed; a
motion to allow for electronic balloting, passed; and election of 2 positions on NFCB
(Whit Brown and Clay Freinwald from the Western Washington Repeater Association
were elected.)

The membership application was voted upon by did not pass because there were not
enough votes cast. The standards document is on hold. The motion to develop an NFCC
Web page will come to vote within the next few weeks.
WPRC continues to be opposed to the scheduling of face to face meetings of NFCC due to
the expense involved.

6) Future Meetings of WPRC

N3EJY announced the location of the 1998 annual meeting - October 18 - Mercer County
911 at 1:30 p.m.

KA3FZF moved that the locations for meetings be dismissed.

N3EJY ruled that this discussion and vote will be brought up under New Business.



8) At the October 19, 1997 meeting, the board discussed the WA3PBD (Gateway
FMA)/LHVHFS problem. He stated that this discussion has been deliberated for 3 years.
Discussion between the parties was to take place at the July 1997 meeting, but because
representatives from both parties were not in attendance the following action was taken.

"K3LL/W3SII moved to table until the October meeting with the understanding
that a resolution between the parties will be brought to the October meeting. The
motion to table carried." (July 20, 1997)

Discussion followed with those in attendance from LHVHFS voicing their objections to
the decision of WPRC. N3EJY clarified accusations of KA3ZFZ, "that WA3PBD is not
operating within his coordination."

Discussion followed concerning coordination and decoordination policies with KR3P
attempting to explain the WPRC policies.

N3EJY read item #8 of the WPRC Repeater Coordination Policies document:

"Any significant change in system parameters shall require re-coordination.
Significant shall be defined as a ten (10) percent change in any operating parameter
above or below the current coordination. These parameters shall include, but not
be limited to, antenna height, ERP, power output, etc. Significant for the purposes
of horizontal movement shall be 1500 ft (457m). Any change in system call sign or
sponsor shall only require notice to the coordinator, as this does not change the
system performance."

Further discussion of the problem continued.

N3EJY reported that at the time WA3PBD (Gateway FMA) was coordinated there were no
standards for ATV coordination and the present board was not responsible for the
coordination. The only provision that LHVHFS needs to accept is that they will share the
frequency with WA3PBD (Gateway FMA). The LHVHFS ATV repeater trustee W3NBN
refused to accept that provision.

KR3P quoted a letter from Jim Dallas (KA3FZF - LHVHFS ATV Repeater Technician)
dated May 21, 1996.

N3EJY again reviewed the situation.

KR3P quoted a letter from Larry O'Toole (K3LBP president of LHVHFS) dated November
29, 1995 which detailed some of the history of the ATV repeater, including details of its
operations from sites other than Acme.

Representatives of LHVHFS (W3SII, K3LBP, KA3FZF) denied that their system was ever
relocated to Rich Hill.

N3EJY asked that the LHVHFS ATV trustee (W3NBN) provide in writing to WPRC that
the Rich Hill coordination is in error. WPRC will again extend the request for
recoordination to the Acme site.

WA3IOU/KA3NEW moved that there be a special meeting between WA3PBD/LHVHFS
with a representative of WPRC in attendance to bring resolution to this problem.

N3BPB/WA3IOU amended the motion to include, "with a written report to be presented at
the April meeting of WPRC signed by both parties."

KC3ET suggested that the meeting could take place on March 15 at noon at the
Monroeville Hamfest. N3EJY stated that WPRC would give the time scheduled for a
WPRC forum in order to solve this situation. KC3ET will make arrangements for the
meeting. There shall be no more than 2 representatives from each party. The motion as
amended with the suggested time, place and arrangements for the special meeting carried.

KA3FZF requested information on his request for coordination on 900 MHZ. KR3P
clarified the reason why the frequency coordination application of KA3FZF on 900 MHz
has been on hold until there is a resolution to this current problem between LHVFS and
Gateway FMA.

KR3P clarified the fact that the request is for the same two locations LHVHFS has been
saying is unlivable for coexistence. KR3P also clarified the existing coordination of
WA3PBD (Gateway FMA).

KA3FZF/KB3WG moved that the current board of directors be dismissed for lack of

Discussion continued. N3EJY requested a 5 minute recess to review the constitution for
proper procedures to clarify the motion.

Because Roberts Rules of Order were not being adhered to, and because of the disruption
by several attendees, N3EJY declared the meeting closed.

Respectfully submitted,
N3QCR Mary A. Housholder, Secretary

Please note that these minutes do not become a part of the official until
voted upon at the next meeting of the council.