WPRC JAN. 18th 2004 meeting

The Jan. 18th meeting was called to order at 1:40PM. By Chair Dave N3GPM The meeting was held
at IZZI’S Restaurant in Clarion. Introductions were made around the room and visitors were
welcomed. Present at the meeting were N3GPM N3EJY KR3P AA3ZL K3EDD KE3EI N3TNA N3HZV

Minutes of the Oct. meeting were read, corrections were noted, motion by Sam W3CYO to accept
and seconded by Bill N3BPB. M.C.

Treasurer’s report was given by Paul, W3WMV with a balance of $2794.44. Motion to accept by
Sam W3CYO and seconded by Bill N3BPB. M.C.



A report was given by Joe K3RP Since last meeting 26 items (20 new) were acted upon 19 final
co-ordinations (6-WPA / 13-other) 00 Initial co-od. 01 proposed 05 voided (00 out of state)
01 OTA received. For 2003 YTD 147 items acted upon (107 new) For 2004 1 item acted upon
(0 new). For the year 2003 a total of 95 repeaters co-ordinated, 2nd highest since 2002 when
there were 99.

Survey Report:
343 of 384 have been returned for 89.3% return rate. Of 41 left, 30 are repeaters from 28
trustees. As 01/18/2004 all items received have been acted upon.

Technical Standards Committee:

The proposed 900 MHz band plan that was passed out at the last meeting was brought to a vote
and was agreed to by all members present to adopt as written when motion made by Denny N3EJY
and seconded by Bill N3BPB M.C.

Old Business:

Discussion as to proper procedure on removing the repeaters that did not respond to the survey.
After the certified letters are returned as undeliverable or refused the Co-Ord. Committee will
make a on site inspection of the location given on the last Co-Ord. filed. Farther action will
be taken at that time if needed.

New Business:

Jan AA3ZL wanted to know if she could use repeater on 146.985 to call Aries net. Was told this
is a un-coordinated repeater and she would have to check with her Aries Co-Ord as to her use of
this repeater

Dave N3GPM brought up suggestion for a post card be sent to person or club who sends in a item
that needs a log number with a acknowledgement of receiving it and given them the log number
for future reference. Motion made by Denny N3EJY and seconded by Sam W3CYO to do so M.C.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is scheduled for April 18th at a site to be determined. Upon
confirmation of the meeting site, it will be posted on the website and in the newsletter along
with directions.

Motion made by Denny N3EJY to adjourn and seconded by Ed K3EDD M.C. Meeting was adjourned at
2:50PM by Dave N3GPM


Respectfully submitted,

Ron N2EVA Secretary
These meeting notes are subject to review and will be voted upon at the next
regular meeting of the W.P.R.C.