Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council, Inc
Frequency Coordinating Committee
List of DeCoordinated Repeater And Link Systems

The following were removed from the W.P.R.C. Frequency Coordination Database on July 21, 2013, as the result of the final report presentation by the W.P.R.C. frequency coordinator, and vote at the July 21, 2013 meeting in Latrobe, Pa. The W.P.R.C. frequency coordinator had reported that the trustees of record in this report have either not responded, or responded that they have no intention of returning a particular system to service. This project, which was in effect from April 2012 to June 20, 2013. Several attempts were made to contact all trustees of record using the U.S.P.S. mailing address found on the F.C.C. ULS Service. Thanks to all repeater trustes who participated. A special thanks to our frequency coordinators, Frank Bobro N3FB (frequency coordinator), Joe McElhaney KR3P (former frequency coordinator), and Kevin Custer W3KKC (technical committee chairman), for their hard work on this project over the past fifteen months.
If you find any inaccuracties in this report, please provide information to the W.P.R.C using either U.S.P.S. mailing address found on our home page, or via email to

Use Output Input Location Call Sponsor County LastCoord Updated Trustee Backup WPRC_#
Link 145.53 Aliquippa (RB) N3IRI W3UJT Beaver 8/28/1991 W3UJT   NA
Link 223.70 Monroeville K3FZF K3FZF Westmoreland 4/15/2005 4/15/2005 K3FZF NONE C05-029
Link 433.68 433.68 Irwin W3LWW Foothills Westmoreland 1/20/2002 9/11/2002 N3FLR K3TB C02-292
Link 433.75 433.75 Greensburg W3LWW Foothills Westmoreland 1/4/2002 9/11/2002 N3FLR K3TB C02-001
Link 445.60 Erie WB3DWL Gannon U. Erie 12/5/1988 12/5/1988 KZ3E   C02-240
Link 445.60 Erie W3GV RAErie Erie 7/7/1997 10/11/2002 NI3Q KB3A C02-382
Link 445.68 Sandy Lake WA3NSM WA3NSM Mercer 2/18/2008 2/18/2008 WA3NSM   C08-013
Link 445.70 Erie W3GV RAErie McKean 7/7/1997 10/11/2002 NI3Q KB3A C02-377
Link 446.05 PACKET-MAIL FWD KA3NVP   WPA 2/2/2003 KA3NVP   C02-263
Link 446.75 Acme W3SII LHVHFS Fayette 8/22/1989 10/20/2002 W3SII NONE C02-233
Repeater 51.72 51.22 New Galilee KE3ED KE3ED Beaver 12/8/1998 7/11/2002 KE3ED None C98-151
Repeater 53.15 52.15 Pleasantville N3YEX   Venango 4/6/2011 4/6/2011 N3YEX   C11-017
Repeater 145.19 144.59 Lewistown W3MCC W3MCC Mifflin 12/8/2004 12/8/2004 K3KDK NONE C04-055
Repeater 147.18 147.78 Emporium WA3WPS CCARC Cameron 9/2/1987 7/13/2005 N3SNN N3FYD C05-038
Repeater 223.88 222.28 Beaver Falls W3UJT W3UJT Beaver W3UJT   C02-113
Repeater 224.04 222.44 New Castle KA3UEX KA3UEX Lawrence 6/25/1994 9/2/2003 KA3UEX NONE C03-082
Repeater 224.72 223.12 New Brighton N3ALL N3ALL Beaver 1/5/1988 1/16/2003 N3ALL None C03-006
Repeater 224.80 223.20 New Castle NO3I NO3I Lawrence 9/28/1992 7/11/2002 NO3I None C02-127
Repeater 442.33 447.33 Cherry Valley KC8PHW KC8PHW Washington 9/29/2004 9/29/2004 KC8PHW NONE C04-038
Repeater 442.68 447.68 Evans City N3XCD N3XCD Butler 3/24/2000 7/21/2002 N3XCD N3YTD C00-015
Repeater 443.55 448.55 Reedsville KA3ANJ JMRA Mifflin 7/21/2002 7/21/2002 KA3ANJ KD3VN C02-198
Repeater 443.83 448.83 Rochester KA3RFA KA3RFA Beaver 7/19/1994 8/22/2002 KA3RFA W3EJS C94-019
Repeater 444.03 449.03 New Castle KA3UEX KA3UEX Lawrence 6/25/1994 9/2/2003 KA3UEX NONE C03-083
Repeater 444.53 449.53 Pgh/W Mifflin KA3IDK GtwyFM Allegheny 11/28/1987 8/13/2002 KA3IDK KA3VJL C02-196